Today : KNTV : June 21, 2024 7:00am-9:01am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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it's a little bit less light here at the richmond side of the bridge towards san rafael, and more slowing for the east shore freeway to be expected, but again, very smooth drive throughout most of the area. contra costa county leaving alameda county. this is the bay bridge and we've actually seen traffic get lighter here. that's great. and we've seen a little bit of fog, but we'll welcome that. i think forecast later on. oh yeah. only we could bottle it for later. today's show is coming up in just a few moments. however, you can always get your local news as we continue today in the bay on roku, pluto and other streaming platforms. live at eight. the growing concerns over a new covid variant, plus an all new way to fly to work. archer aviation's chief growth officer joins us to talk about the company's future. if you thought it was hot, just wait. >> yeah, those brutal temperatures are not over yet. good morning. it's june the 21st.

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this is "today." hazardous heat. 90 million now under alerts across the country with the new round of record highs set to fall today. >> i don't even have words for it it's that hot. >> the sweltering temperatures fueling a travel nightmare. power outages forcing amtrak to suspend service up and down the east coast. al has got our full forecast, including what your weekend holds and what could be the next tropical threat. >> plane scare. a southwest jet flying dangerously low in oklahoma, just a few hundred feet above homes and a school. the panic it caused and the faa investigation underway. showdown. president biden and donald trump preparing for their first debate now less than a week away and already trading jabs while the biden camp sounds the alarm over cheap, fake viral videos

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targeting the president's age. how the trump team is responding this morning. driving beware. a warning for electric vehicles. reports of drivers getting trapped inside or locked out of their cars when their battery suddenly dies. >> it was definitely not a situation i ever want to be in again. >> just ahead, what you need to know if it happens to you. all that, plus legend lost. >> i don't know your name, stranger, but your face is familiar. >> tributes to donald sutherland and his decades long career. >> struggle is fine, as long as it's contained. >> just ahead, his son's message as we celebrate his life and legacy. and olympic rings. american swimming star lilly king locks up a hard-earned trip to paris. >> and lilly king is going to pass walsh for the second spot. >> and minutes later, she gets the pool side surprise of her life.

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you heard her. she said yes. and the happy couple will join us live to celebrate, today, friday, june 21st, 2024. from nbc news, this is "today" with savannah guthrie and hoda kotb. from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today." happy you are with us. it is a beautiful friday morning. savannah enjoying some time off. lily and james sitting in the tree. >> yes, yes, gonna live happy ever after. >> k-i-s-s-i-n-g. what a great proposal. not only is this moment spectacular, they will re-live it with us. >> think about it. you make the olympic team and you get engaged in the span of minutes. let's begin on this first full day of summer with this massive heat wave. 90 million americans under heat

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alerts today from the midwest up to the northeast. >> another day of record highs are on tap as well, folks. and they're going to extend throughout the weekend. in fact, sunday is actually expected to be the hottest day for some areas. and adding to the misery, the hot weather caused an absolute commuter nightmare. >> this was the scene in new york after service was suspended because of power issues caused by a brush fire. we've got all of this covered and, of course, including al's all-important weekend forecast. but we will start with nbc's erin mclaughlin who is at jones beach on new york's long island. hey, erin. good morning. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. millions of americans are waking up to yet another scorcher. folks will be heading to beaches like this one to beat the heat. so far more than 12,000 record highs have been reported across

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the country. and the summer has just begun. it's the first full day of summer with extreme weather from coast to coast. >> i don't even have words for it it's that hot. >> from tropical storm flooding in texas to deadly and devastating wild fires out west and sweltering record-breaking heat in the northeast. just outside new york city, a double commuter headache on the roads and rails. on thursday, the heat fuelling a brush fire, triggering a massive traffic jam on i95. and power outages forcing the suspension of amtrak and local train service, causing a ripple effect of delays and cancellations on the busy north east corridor. >> yes, i am exhausted. it is hot. i can't do it anymore. >> reporter: and the city streets doubling as splash parks with the help of fire hydrants turned sprinklers. across the tri-state area, increased demand for ac.

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further north in states like massachusetts, new hampshire and vermont where searing heat is unusual, many people don't have air-conditioning at all. >> many people ask if we have ac. we do not. >> reporter: one massachusetts school district ended the school day early so kids could avoid sweltering classrooms. heat alerts stretching coast to coast with millions under alert on the west coast and more than 64 million americans sizzling. across the country in new mexico, a major disaster declared after a deadly wild fire destroyed hundreds of homes and forcing thousands to flee. crews nowhere near containing that blaze. meanwhile, parts of the texas coast are still dealing with extreme flooding. even though tropical storm alberto is long gone. >> i didn't actually think it was going to happen two days back-to-back. this morning woke up and we were completely covered again.

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>> reporter: and it looks like it's only going to get worse. experts are now predicting above average temps for the entire nation for the month of july. they're pointing to climate change as the culprit. hoda? >> all right. erin, thank you. let's bring in mr. roker now with more on the heat. what we need to know as we head into the weekend. heat all over the country. >> absolutely. our friends out west, 26 million people from utah, arizona into california under heat warnings, heat watches. and then you come to the great lakes, northeast, mid atlantic states, 64 million people from hartford, connecticut, charlottesville, north carolina. we are talking about a hot one with heat indexes close to 100 degrees for detroit. new york 96 degrees, that's what it will feel like. but where this front is pushed through, it will be cooler and less humid for new york, rochester, new york.

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boston only 81 degrees today. gorgeous day. tomorrow again, heat indexes flirting with 100 degrees from nashville, springfield, toledo, new york city, baltimore, richmond. again, you head up to the north. beautiful for the coast. boston 77 tomorrow. hartford 89. but as we head into the weekend, it is starting to cool down into early next week. new york city will be 88 by tuesday. same in pittsburgh. low 90s in detroit. so still warm there. cincinnati warm as well. and we're keeping an eye on this heat index situation where we're talking about a major risk to extreme risk for heat related illnesses. they could even be deadly in this area of purple in the ohio river valley into the northeast. and we are watching the tropics yet again. areas that could develop over the weekend, especially this one

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down here in the gulf could affect parts of texas where they had all that rain. we will look at that coming up in the next half. >> all right, al. thanks very much. this morning the faa is investigating why a southwest airlines plane flew way too low over a suburb of oklahoma city triggering low altitude alerts. the flight was coming from vegas. it was approaching oklahoma city's airport wednesday. 8 miles out, flight aware shows the plane drop to an altitude of 525 feet. it flew over the top of uconn, oklahoma setting off that low altitude morning. the tower did ask the pilot if anything was okay. the pilot replied yes and then aborted the landing and went around and landed safety. it is, quote, in contact with the faa to understand and address any irregularities with the aircraft's approach to the airport. insisting, of course, safety is the airline's top priority. meanwhile, the first presidential debate now less than a week away.

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this morning we're learning more about what the biden-trump showdown will look like as the campaigns are busy preparing, raising a ton of cash and ramping up attacks. gabe gutierrez joins us with more on this. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. president biden is at camp david for the next few days to prep for that debate. but the first round is already being fought online with both campaigning getting more aggressive, trying to shape the narrative. this morning the stage is set for second week's crucial debate. president biden winning a coin toss, picking a lek churn on the right side of the stage. president trump will deliver the night's final closing statement. ahead of the 2024 debate, for the first time, mr. trump appeared to briefly acknowledged he lost the 2024 election when asked about his relationship with geraldo rivera. >> are you guys still close? >> no, i don't think so. he is -- after i lost the

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election -- i won the election, but he called me up three or four times. >> reporter: now with their face-to-face meeting days away, the biden administration is accusing the trump team of using, quote, cheep fakes. >> what are cheap fakes? >> these deceptively edited videos. they are a huge part of donald trump's campaign strategy. >> reporter: this camera angle appeared to show president biden wandering off before being pulled back to the group by the italian prime minister. another angle showed the president was actually trying to greet sky divers who just finished a demonstration. but the media quickly amplified the first angle, falsely claiming the president was confused. >> these deceptive videos are out here because donald trump is desperate to distract from his unpopular agenda. >> reporter: still, it is among a string of clips republicans say raises concerns about president biden's age and

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ability. this shows president biden standing still for several seconds at a hollywood fundraiser until former president obama leads him off stage. in another, he also stands still as people dance around him. they say the president was simply enjoying the moment. the trump campaign insists the clips are not misleading. >> the biden campaign is trying to convince the american public not to believe their own eyes. we are simply posting their videos for the world to see and to come to their own conclusion. >> reporter: one big question, who decides what is misinformation. there is no firm plan to alert the public about also information during the election, unless it is coming from a foreign actor and poses a threat to national security. >> let's talk about the sheer amount of cash that's being

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poured into this campaign. mega donors on both sides of the aisle raising a ton of money so far. including one of mr. trump on the day of his conviction. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yes. gave mr. trump $50 million, one of the largest contributions of history. the date was the date of mr. trump's conviction in new york. meanwhile, michael bloomberg gave $20 million to groups backing president biden. >> and it's only june. quick programming note here, "meet the press" will have much more on the build up to the first debate coming up on sunday morning, including conversations with south dakota governor and the co-chair of president biden's campaign. all eyes are on the supreme court. its current term is winding down. a number of key decisions still to come. everything from gun and reproductive rights to cases involving former president trump.

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they all come with the high stakes race of 2024 knocking on the door. let's bring in laura jarett. you have been at your post waiting for the decisions to come down. >> i am. >> there is one involving donald trump. >> okay, guys. no matter how that case shakes out, it will be one for the ages. the former president says he is completely immune, complete blanket immunity for anything related to trying to overturn the last election. even if they don't buy it, they have now taken so much time in deciding this case that there is virtually no chance it could be tried and completed before the november election. even if it is not a clean legal win for him, depending on what they say, it is a strategic victory. they're also looking at hundreds of january 6th prosecutions. so they have his case. but they also have the rioters who went to the capitol and they're looking for a statute there where if they overturn that, all of the convictions will be turned over. >> all the hot button issues for 2024 these justices have on their plate.

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the one on abortion has to do with a clash between a federal law that says you have to provide emergency care, even if that requires an abortion, with state bans like idaho that say you don't get an abortion. also guns, a big case to watch there as well. they have 19 cases left to go here and really only a week left. >> so this morning and the next opportunity is next wednesday. >> yes. >> wow. all right. thank you, laura. we turn now to the war in gaza and the ongoing war of words between the white house and israel's prime minister over the support the united states is providing. both sides treating new jabs even as israel's own military cast doubt on whether hamas can be defeated. matt bradley joins us from tel aviv with the very latest. >> reporter: good morning. netanyahu addressed that controversy again today in an interview with "punch bowl

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news". he said he was grateful to the biden administration for their support, but there are still some supply issues unresolved. american officials firing back as the dispute between the biden administration and benjamin netanyahu continues. >> i didn't know what the prime minister was talking about or what he was trying to accomplish. i'm happy to make the record clear. >> reporter: white house officials still annoyed by a video by netanyahu on tuesday. >> it's inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons. >> reporter: netanyahu still not backing down. this time writing on x, formerly known as twitter, i'm willing to absorb personal attacks if that's what it takes for israel to get the ammunition it needs in its war for survival. but netanyahu makes his fiercest resistance at home where families are raising pressure with a week of

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protests. one of them will celebrate her 20th birthday tomorrow in captivity. this year, her brother's wishes for her birthday are modest. >> the most basic, basic needs like she will have something to eat on her birthday, that maybe she has a friend or two around her. >> reporter: images of her bruised and bloody made her a symbol of horrors young women have endured at the hands of hamas. images difficult to watch. >> i woke up this morning and i don't know how she woke up. i don't know if she even slept. i don't know what these maybe awful human beings that did awful things might still be doing these awful things. and sometimes it is really hard for me to breathe. >> reporter: and, craig, there is new hope today that american hope might be reaching palestinians in the gaza strip. the u.s. military announced yesterday that floating peer has now been reattached to the peer

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in gaza and that aid transfers have begun. >> matt, thank you. 7:17. say we check at the weather for the weekend. >> guys, let's take a look at july. look at what we're looking at for the month of july temperature-wise. way hotter than average. the eastern third of the country hotter than average out west as well. and when it comes to precipitation, looking fairly dry. other than the southeast and the gulf where it will be wetter than average, much of the country a bit on the dry side. we will get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. (jack) [laughing] looks like we're switching to blue!

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(vo) switch to blue. and feed your dog like family. and that is your latest weather. guys? >> thanks, al. we have been talking a lot about the heat. imagine being locked in your car during this brutal heat wave. it's been happening to electric vehicles and morgan chesky is looking into it for us. >> there is an estimated three million of them on the road. the question for drivers and passengers of evs is do you know

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how to get out if the power goes out. a frightening story from a mother and daughter coming up and what you need to know when crisis strikes. >> morgan, thank you. also ahead, kiefer sutherland leading the tributes pouring in for his father, donald sutherland. we will talk about the career that lasted decades. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.

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ready to enter her london era. >> hours away. the excitement running high in a city where she spent a lot of time and written a lot of those folks. we'll take you there live after your local news and weather.

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breaking news. a major decision from the supreme court that could have larger implications on gun laws nationwide. the justices have ruled that people under domestic violence restraining orders cannot hold a firearm. and i want to go to special correspondent laura jarrett on this. >> yes, this is a ruling that people who are deemed dangerous and have domestic violence restraining orders, and there are a slew of rules and orders on this. and the 5th circuit tried to strike it down, but today, the supreme court by a division of 8/1 said, yes, this law can stand. this is a key part of the decision where the justice says that where the restraining order has a finding where the individual poses a physical

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threat of the safe toif a partner, that individual consistent with the second amendment may be banned from owning a firearm. and this is a decision that is consistent from a few years ago where they redefined the 2nd amendment where an individual can own a firearm, and so since then, there is a cottage findings of what is consistent with the 2nd ough the reasoning. but today the high court is saying there are limits and that if someone is dangerous and has been deemed dangerous, they cannot possess a firearm. so again, a major victory for the federalarm, and major victo the federal government and the biden administration. >> and danny cevallos is with us, and what is the wider impact of this ruling is a impact of the 2nd amendment, and that the

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government can disarm people under the 2nd amendment if they are not law abiding and not responsible. the government argued that the not responible prong included people who are dangerous. it is important to note that it is not applying to all domestic violence order, but specific violence orders where someone is dangerous, and a hearing where someone is dangerous. the court looked back from historical precedence of the 1700s and 1800s and found analogs where people who posed a threat for some reason or another and they were disarmed and that gave them the historical basis of the new framework and the new guidance of the high court to conclude that the 2nd amendment allowed this law which is to disarm a number of people. and this is just one subsection of a number of subsections of the disarmament law. and other parts of the law are continuing to be litigated and

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including the felon in possession, and other subsections, and this is one prong of the law that is very much under attack. >> danny, i will ask you to standby for more of the politics of this, let's bring in the washington correspondent hallie jackson and how is this going to be read in political circles? >> well, lester, based on what we know so far, it is going to uphold the status quo here. after the supreme court had strengthened the gun rights in the last 18 months or so, it is a ruling that is significant and a big win for the biden administration, and politically, however, it is a real question as to whether it is actually going to animates anywhere in washington. to the immense frustration to many democrats who want to see further restrictions on the gun laws. president biden has repeatedly called for more restrictions on gun law, and there is not much of an animating force for congress to do anything on it, especially not in an election year, and it is not seen as one

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of the bigger issues to be done in congress after mass shootings, and again, the democrats are wanting to see more done on this. politically, not much of a jump ball here, but we will see how the biden administration reacts to this significant ruling, lester. >> and now we bring in the white house correspondent gabe gutierrez, and have they responded to this at the white house? >> so far, we have not heard from the white house officials on this ruling, which happened moments ago. but as hallie mentioned, lester, this is going to be considered a major win for the biden administration, and it was in 2022 after the uvalde shooting that the president signed a bipartisan communities act which broadened the restrictions after the uvalde shooting which closes a so-called boyfriend loophole which closes the dating partners and not just spouses to acquire

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guns even though they may have been convicted of domestic abuse. so this is considered a win for the biden administration which has suggested that more gun restrictions are needed to keep communities safe. but lester, we are waiting any formal comment from the white house any moment now. >> thank you, gabe. now, back to the white house correspondent laura jarrett, and you are pouring over it, and what are you seeing? >> it is the lower courts here who are grappling of how to read the lower court decision of 2022, and it says that the 2nd amendment is identical to those found in 1791, and so you don't have to look back to the finding of whether or not to decide if it is legal, but holding otherwise would be as mistaken to applying the protections only to the rights of muskets and sabres and recognizing, this is not 1791, but it is 2024, and there are some limits again on

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who can possess a firearm in this country. >> and danny, you said that the court has not delved into the 2nd amendment, but we saw the bump stock ruling and not a 2nd amendment, but it is consistent. >> and the bump stock had nothing to do with the 2nd amendment, but it is a statutory rule of whether the trigger ruling is identifying a gun as a machine gun. and so there is another ruling coming with the range, and this is the subsection of the domestic violence 922 of the gun statute is never prosecute and when the range, and the felon possession comes before the court, and it is coming before the court, because that is the one that the government prosecutes all of the time there comparison to this one. >> thank you. and that is going to conclute the special report, and we will

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have much more on the streaming network online, and i will have a full wrap-up"nbc nightly news." we will return most of you death if it was something where it was like a drowning or a vehicle fire. >> reporter: since every electric car is slightly different, he says firefighters often end up breaking windows or tearing open doors to save those inside. now at its core, shoe is the issue with the vehicles. so-called education, that absolutely needs to be addressed here. hoda? >> it's good because i think a lot of people need to know what that was, so it's good we know that now, but what's tesla saying about all this? >> we did reach out for comment and we have yet to receive an official respond, but in each tesla manual we looked at, information on where to find those levers could be found, so if you are driving a tesla, absolutely check that out. it could help you when crisis

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strikes you, guys. >> all right. thank you, morgan chesky for us. still ahead, have you heard of the buy nothing movement? we'll take a look at the inspiring trend that can land you just about anything you're looking for without spending a dime. and we're going to celebrate the life and career of hollywood icon donald sutherland pouring in from his family and many fans this morning. first, these messages. [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones. ♪ ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand.

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(store customer) you're gonna be here forever. (man) i know. (employee) here is your wireless contract. (man) do i need a lawyer for this? those were hard days. representative. switch! now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade... i'm officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone, any condition. guaranteed. (man) i really wished you told me sooner. (roommate) i did. growing tributes to hollywood legend donald sutherland. >> yes, his award-winning career spanned more than six decades from classics like "the dirty dozen" and "mash" to "the hunger games" franchise. >> chloe melas is here with a look back at his life and career. >> good morning, you guys. wow, what a career. donald sutherland's versatility made him famous. he even got a chance to share the screen with his son, kiefer sutherland. now his fans are mourning the

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loss of an actor who always als delivered. for donald sutherland, no role was out of reach. >> i don't know your name, stranger, but your face is familiar. >> reporter: the prolific actor conquered practically every genre on screen during his career as he appeared in nearly 200 films and tv shows. >> i'm not joking. this is my job. >> reporter: on thursday, sutherland's oldest son announcing the 88-year-old has died, calling his father one of the most important actors in the history of film, never daunted by a role, good, bad or ugly. they played father and son in the film "forsaken". >> he's someone that i wanted to work with for my whole career. >> i didn't give you any advice. i said be truthful. >> reporter: his break came with "the dirty dozens".

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>> can they fight? >> yes, sir. >> i hope you're right. >> reporter: a string of memorable film characters followed, including stars roles in "mash" and alongside jane fonda. >> i've got some terrific friends. >> no thank you. >> reporter: his roles on the small screen earned critical acclaim, including his role in "citizen x." sutherland's found new fans in 2012 with his portrayal of president snow in "the hunger games". >> and may the odds be ever in your favor. >> he spoke about his love for complex characters when he stopped by "today" in 2016. >> i don't play nice or bad or good. i just play the fella so i can find something in everybody to play. >> reporter: at the age of 82, sutherland's received an honorary oscar, thanking his children and wife. >> thank you to francine, for whom everything has come and to

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whom everything is owed. >> reporter: john fonda posting on instagram, we loved working together. adding, i am heart broken. and michael douglas writing what a lovely, talented and curious man. rest in peace. his performances never predictable but always passionate. kiefer sutherland writing, he did what he loved. one can never ask for more than that. >> reporter: he was just shy of his 84th birthday. going to be released in november. he was working right up to the end. he did a movie last year. and look, you were just saying hoda, all those movies and shows he's been in -- >> his body of work has been incredible. it was hard to remember all of them. >> he will be missed. >> thank you so much, chloe melas. >> i think one of the words they

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use with donald sutherland was honesty. you know, whether he was here for an interview or in the movies, he was always a very honest person. well, as we take a look, honestly, at what's been going on in the tropics, we're talking about water temperatures that are so warm, we have another couple tropical places we're looking at both off the southeast atlantic coast and in the gulf where the water temperatures in the mid-80s. they're anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees or 5 degrees above average. we have this one that will spin around around florida over the weekend. that's going to cause some showers. nothing terrible. but down here in the gulf, making its way into texas, another heavy era of rain, rip currents, dangerous surf. we will be watching this closely. again, the same area that got hit with the remnants of alberta, that will bring two to three inches of rain down there. then we also have some severe weather to talk about today back through the plains and the rockies. we're looking at severe weather today stretching from wyoming into minneapolis for strong

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storms. flash flood risk in the upper mississippi river valley. we could be looking at two to three inches of rain there. some places may pick up more than five inches. that'sat's what's going weather. guys? >> all right, al. thank you. okay. as if the olympic trials weren't exciting enough, something else exciting happened last night. a team usa star got engaged moments after she qualified for

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paris. not only is it a boost, the happy couple will celebrate with us right after this.

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7:47 am

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that's the power of we. ♪ ♪ check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. all right. welcome back. carson has joined the party. hoda has an extra special boost. >> okay. last night was a night to remember for five-time olympic medalist lilly king. okay. here is how it went. moments after qualifies in the 200 meter breaststroke, her long-time boyfriend james wells had another surprise for her. she qualified. she gets out of the pool. here is how it played out on nbc's live coverage of the

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olympic swim trials. >> he's about ready to pop the question. >> oh my god. yes, yes. >> there we go, from the olympic rings to engagement rings, how emotional. what a great night for lilly and james. because this is an extra special boost, we've got lilly and james with us. good morning! >> congratulations! >> wow. lilly, walk us through it. so you are in the pool. you swim. you're going to paris. you feel amazing, probably the best you could feel in that moment. and then you walk up on james. what do you think is going on in that moment? >> i was honestly just so confused why he was on deck.

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and after that i was like, why are you wearing your nice clothes? like what is going on? then i realized what was going on. >> did you have a feeling this might be coming? >> i was expecting it more after the games because we will go frolic around europe after that. but last night i was not expecting it at all. >> james, how did you decide that was the place and time to do it? >> well, i was actually originally planning to do it after the paris games when we were going around, when we were probably in england. and then just seeing lilly with all of her friends here and kind of in this stadium in her home state, i was like, i think this will be a special moment that she could share with everyone. so i called up a few of my friends that are working here, and they got me behind the scenes and kind of set all this stuff up, and it was really awesome. >> well done. well done. >> hi, lilly.

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it is carson daley here. great job last night. you mentioned you are in your home state of indiana. what is it like to swim there and have this lifelong memory there? >> it was already an unbelievable week to start off with. making my third olympic team could not be more special. now i'm getting married. just being able to do it in front of all of my friends and loved ones, my family is all here and all of my favorite people are here this week. it was really special. >> lilly, you have now qualified for paris. you are engaged. what are you going to do to celebrate this weekend? >> i think we're going to go home and see our pets for a little bit. >> nice. >> well, guys, lilly, we remember when you won gold in rio. we have been loving watching you ever since. we can't wait to see you in paris. it will be amazing. we can't wait. congratulations, guys. >> congrats! >> thank you.

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can't wait to see you guys in paris. >> we will be waiting for you. >> by the way, there is more team trial tonight. peaco*ck, nbc, including swimming and the first night of track and field as well. >> very wise of james not to pull that ring out so close to the edge of the pool. very smart. all right. we have the eras tour in london. coming up on "popstart," everything you need to know if you are a swiftie about that. but, first, a quick check of your local news, weather and these messages. th at need water♪ ♪ grow jobs, grow skills ♪ ♪ make the whole world go. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around all around. ♪ ♪ make the green grass grow all around. ♪ at jpmorganchase, the investments we make help make businesses happen, that make jobs happen, that make communities happen. together, we make momentum happen.

7:54 am

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7:55 am

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7:56 am

dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren't all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at what sha'carri needs to do is obey the rules nah. obey the image. nah. runners. obey the pressure. nah. thirst quenching, but never thirsty. obey your thirst. sprite. it is. 756 i'm marcus washington, i'm kris sanchez breaking and happening right now. police are surrounding a gas station in newark. we have live video from the scene here where officers have sectioned off this area around a chevron station on jarvis avenue and

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newark boulevard. so far, the situation is unclear, but we have reached out to police to try to figure out what's happening there and whether there is a danger to the public. again, this happening in newark, we will have the latest in minutes in our 8 a.m. streaming newscast. it's time to get a look at that forecast for us today. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the warm up. yes, a lot of our valleys are going to have some warmer temperatures for today in the mid 80s for san jose. so it will be a little warm, but we're starting to feel much more the heat. and morgan hill, a high of 9193, in fairfield and 90 today in santa rosa. but we're still nice and cool in san francisco with upper 60s there tomorrow will be the peak of the heat where we could see some more upper 90s and possibly some triple digits. fairfield and livermore will hit a high of 100 degrees. we'll be tracking this as well as what to expect into next week in our microclimate forecast. so keep checking back in for those updates. all right. thanks, kari and make sure you watch our

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today in the bay live streaming newscast starting in just minutes at 8 a.m, we're going to talk with a top executive at a cutting edge bay area air taxi startup that appears to be we're in the middle of... seizing the date! in the middle of the perfect pairing ... and parking it here for the night! so come get away... together... illinois— the middle of everything.

7:59 am

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8:00 am

hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. it's 8:00 on "today," coming up no relief. that dangerous heat wave breaking records. >> i don't even have words for it, it's so hot.

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>> causing commuter chaos. >> it is hot. i can't do it anymore. >> so how long will it last? al will have our full forecast. plus, no sale. an inside look at the new trend known as buy nothing. >> there is someone in your community that could use exactly what it is that you may no longer need. >> vicky nguyen has a look at how these groups work and what you can do to create one of your own. then field of dreams. it is a "today" tradition. the new york yankees joining us for hope week, highlighting the positive side of social media. >> it's an awesome cause, and just to get more inspiring stories year after year, and continue to be in the community. >> as the all stars join us live. all that, plus taylor takes london. >> on a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you? >> 13.

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>> 13. costner's big "yellowstone" news. >> i loved it, and i know you loved it. and snl ranks their top sketches of the year. what took the top spot? >> i don't watch much television. i have an incredibly busy life. >> we'll find out today, friday, june 21st, 2024. happy friday from holland, michigan. >> from south florida. >> nashville, tennessee. >> dallas, texas. >> missouri. >> and mississippi. >> hi to my brothers. >> turning 21 on the 21st! >> good morning, hoda and craig! >> girls' trip from florida. >> colorado. >> and dc. >> celebrating double digits. >> hi to my mom and dad in illinois. >> on our 43rd anniversary trip from missouri city, texas. vir

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>> from richmond, virginia. >> celebrating nana's 60th birthday. oh, way to go. what a beautiful crowd we have outside today. a huge friday crowd. so happy you are with us. savannah is enjoying some summer days off. we have laura jarett pitching in. >> always fun to be here with you guys. >> all right. by the way, coming up next week, we have something we have been manifesting at the show. every since jennifer garner's pretend show went viral, including the time they threw corn cobs into the backyard for the bears. >> we invited jen and pat to say, please come join us in studio 1a. we are thrilled to say on monday morning they said yes. the dynamic duo is coming here, al roker. it will be really cool. we look forward to that. let's get started with our news at 8:00. we will begin with sweltering temperatures. 90 million people under heat alerts across the country with a new round of record highs set to

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fall today. al has the full forecast. let's start with erin mclaughlin out on jones beach. >> reporter: hey, hoda. good morning. it feels like it will be another scorcher. folks are heading out to beaches like this one to school off. we're expecting scorching temperatures in the midwest and mid atlantic. from coast to coast, tens of millions of americans under heat alerts. and wild fires continuing to rage, killing at least two devastating communities. then in texas, there is still that flooding, even though tropical storm alberto is already gone. this is looking like it is going to be a summer of extremes. already so far this year, there have been more than 12,000 record highs recorded at weather stations across the country with no end to that missouri in sight. experts are predicting above average temps across the country for the month of july, and

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they're pointing to climate change as the culprit. hoda? >> all right. erin, thank you. all right. mr. roker is back now. any idea how long this heat will stick around? >> well, we will get a little bit of a break. but the 30-day outlook for july is just in. not a lot of great news. 26 million people under heat advisories, heat watches, heat warnings as well. another 64 million people impacted by those same advisories. for today, again, heat indexes approaching 100 from new york city, detroit, louisville, nashville on down to raleigh. but as you go to the north where a cool front moved through, temperatures are much more comfortable, the humidity is lower, so they're in better shape. but for tomorrow, again, the heat indexes way up for new york city, toledo, nashville, raleigh, again, cooler and more comfortable along the coast and interior sections of new york state. but then as we get toward next week, some of us are looking a little bit cooler. look at this.

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new york city will be by tuesday 88. same in pittsburgh, low 90s in cincinnati. and that outlook from the national weather service over the next 30 days for july, hotter than average for much of the country. laura? >> mr. roker, thank you for that. at&t will be legally required to provide land line telephone services to those who need them. that determination made by the utilities commission. at&t had asked if the company could be released from its carrier of last resort obligations, citing the maintenance of aging equipment. but the commission said no after viewing thousands of complaints by residents who live in rural areas where cell service will be unreliable. major league baseball honored the negro leagues in birmingham, alabama. the giants took on the cardinals at the home of the birmingham

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barons. and there was a special tribute to willie mays who passed away earlier this week at the age of 93. his son michael was on hand for the celebration. >> birmingham, if there was any way on earth my father could come down here, he would. well, he's found another way. stand to your feet and let him hear you. he's listening. [ applause ] >> that's pretty beautiful right there. mays began his professional career playing in the negro leagues in 1948 for the birmingham black barons. he was just 17 years old at the time. what a beautiful tribute. thinking about the story you did the other day. >> he played with reverend bill greason.

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he was a mentor. just ahead on "popstart," big news about the long-awaited return of "yellowstone." plus, what kevin costner is saying about it this morning. plus, vicky nguyen is here sharing a money-saving secret catching on in a big way. >> good morning, guys. what if i told you you could get everything you need, build community with your neighbors and it won't cost you a dime. that is the premise of the buy nothing project. i'll tell you how to get involved next right here on "today."

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8:10 am

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8:11 am

(cat 1) that's made with real salmon! (cat 2) look what i found - lil'soups! - for cats! (cat 1) there's the delicious taste of tuna we treasure! (cat 2) mmm... definitely coming back tomorrow. (vo) friskies. always more to explore. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. since my citi custom cash® card automatically adjusts to earn me more cash back in my top eligible category... suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... [sound of airplane overhead] even the ground is moving for me! y'all seeing this? wild! and i don't even have to activate anything. oooooohhh... automatic sashimi! earn cash back that automatically adjusts to how you spend with the citi custom cash® card. [mind blown explosion noise]

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back now at 8:11 with "today's consumer." everybody loves a big sale. there is a new digital twist taking things to the next level. >> it is called the buy nothing movement. connecting neighbors connecting online like an old-fashioned garage sale. only everything is free. >> free! free! >> if it's free, it's me. vicky nguyen is here. this is a legit movement. >> oh, legit. we're talking about millions of people who have joined in. good morning to you. this trend is all about saving money and being sustainable. and you can find everything from appliances to car parts, clothes, school supplies. you name it, it's on there. no buying, no selling, no trading. you just give and get and build community. >> one of my favorite money-saving tips is to find a buy nothing group. >> reporter: call it the summer

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of frugal, with inflation still sitting above 3%, americans are turning to buy nothing groups on facebook to meet their needs without spending a penny. >> buying a whole patio set is costly these days. we were able to get one from someone giving it away. >> reporter: jennifer is a member of a group in new jersey. we toured her backyard, which is made up entirely of items she received for free. >> we have spinach, tomatoes, basil, mints. >> reporter: that looks amazing. courtesy of her community. what would you say to someone interested in joining a group like this? >> if you need something, you might as well ask for it. you never know who is around who is willing to give you something. >> reporter: but jennifer doesn't just receive, she gives, too, and showed us how these groups work. so you are giving away this vase, flowers and picture frame. >> yes. all you do is take a quick pic of the items you want to post

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and say you are giving it. hit post and see who wants to come get your items. so vicky just left and someone responded to my post, so now i will put it on my porch for them to go and pick up. >> reporter: there are more than 8,000 buy nothing groups on facebook with ten million neighbors who joined. the group's members post items for grabs, everything from soon-to-be-expired bread to baby furniture. >> i want to show you guys something beautiful that i found today. it is a 1976 kenmore machine, and i got her for zero dollars. >> think of it as a department store. before you go out and actually go to buy that. >> reporter: lisa clark is the founder of the buy nothing project. she helps communities create these social media projects. >> there is someone in your community that could use exactly

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what it is that you may no longer need. >> reporter: it is not just about saving money and reducing waste, the group is also a place neighbors turn to when they need help. mom of two, lauren, ran out of a specialized formula for her daughter. so she posted in the group. >> not just person responded. multiple people responded. that's the most amazing thing. the generosity doesn't end. there is no judgment. there is no, oh, my goodness, you don't have formula. it was, here, i have it for you. >> reporter: what started as a social experiment has led to successful connections, friendships and stronger communities. >> this is mutual aid. we are taking care of each other by sharing the things that we might not no longer need, but it will make a world of difference to a nearby family. >> reporter: and saving money and the environment at the same time. >> there you go. that's it. >> reporter: and it's a great

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way to build community. but, of course, we want to think about safety, too. if you are picking up an item from someone you don't know yet, make sure someone knows where you are going. if you are offering something, the advice is to leave it outside of your home. you could always meet in a public area, but this is about building community. and usually people are doing this on facebook, so there is a profile. you can go and look at the profile of the person coming to your house, and that's the idea behind it. >> this has created buzz. deborah, the anchor, goes, oh, my sister does that all the time. it's happening here in the studio. >> people are furnishing their entire homes, their kitchens, doing things for their babies. you want to make sure things are not recalled. think about all the stuff we have that's great that we don't need. sports stuff. >> lacrosse stick. >> i love the fact that it's hyper local. you don't actually have to ship anything or ship anything to you. >> you can set a parameter like

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within one mile of my community and that's where you go. >> smart. >> if you don't want to put it in front of your house, put it in front of your neighbor's house. you can watch them. they don't know where you live. >> vicky, thank you. mr. roker? >> this is your tie, and that's my pocket square. >> that's actually true. i buy nothing. >> we traded. that's it. >> i have craig's pants. >> i didn't realize you were going to recognize it because i had it for so long. >> let's show you what we have going on for today. flooding and stormy conditions in the northern plains. intense heat in the east. opical showers throughtr

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and that is your latest weather. best time of the morning. >> all right. let's do it for a friday morning. we'll start with taylor swift. megan fitzgerald is right there in the middle of the action for us. i see you have swifties. >> reporter: that's right. guys, these fans have been waiting over a year, over a year for this moment. it's finally here. guys, i have a question. are you guys excited for this? they're a little excited, a little excited. they painted the town taylor. take a look for yourself. we have these steps decked out. this is just the start of what's

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expected to be an epic summer. >> we love taylor! >> reporter: this morning london is gearing up for taylor mania. starting tonight, taylor swift playing a record eight shows at the famous wembley stadium. and the fans are a little excited. taylor's american fans do travel well. these devoted swifties came all the way from l.a. on a scale from 1 to 10, how excited are you? >> 13. >> reporter: 13? okay. london hosting more performances than any other city in the world. and locals here think they own a piece of taylor's heart. ♪ >> reporter: but is her connection to the city still intact after heartbreak with her so-called london boys? ♪ london boy.

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>> reporter: swift living here part-time for six years while in a long-term relationship with a british actor joe alwyn. their breakup last year potentially influencing her latest record lyrics. opening up for the first time about the relationship, telling the sunday times, the difficulties that come with the end of a long, loving, fully committed relationship is a hard thing to navigate. but she left her mark in london through her music. ♪ london boy ♪ ♪ i enjoy walking camden ♪ ♪ walking in the afternoon ♪ ♪ you can find me in the pub ♪ >> reporter: what's more british than a pint in a pub? ♪ >> reporter: this is taylor's favorite kabob shop. she comes in and gets a kabob. >> reporter: the uk show expected to boost the economy. london is welcoming taylor with open arms with new murals and

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these just unveiled swiftie steps. the party here in london is just getting started. okay, guys. look. we are just hours away from this concert kicking off. i've got to tell you this. take a look at what london did. they created a taylor tour live. all the lines are her latest album names. it is incredible. this city is so excited. but i got to tell you this. last week in edinburgh, they danced so hard at her concert, so the question is, can you guys top that? okay, okay. all right, guys. yeah, i think they're pumped. i think they're ready to go, buys. >> they certainly are. swiftie steps, taylor tubes,

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earthquakes. >> hope they have fun tonight at the show. speaking of taylor, it is gracie abrams. the young singer/song writer releasing her album "the secret of us." the song is called "us," and we have a little bit for you this morning. ♪ ♪ there you go. ♪ ♪ >> there you go. gracie opened a series of shows on the early leg of taylor's tour. she's getting ready to join her to fall. before that, she will join us on the plaza this friday. looking forward to having her here on the show. next up, "yellowstone" has been on hiatus for a year and a half. now they finally have a date. "yellowstone" will return in

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november. but kevin costner posting his own video overnight revealing that he will officially not be part of it. >> wait. what? >> after this long year and a half of working on "horizon" and doing all the things that's required and thinking about "yellowstone," that beloved series that i love, that i know you love, i just realize that i'm not going to be able to continue season 5 or into the future. it was something that really changed me. i loved it. and i know you loved it. >> kevin was here with savannah. the answer was a little bit like, oh, so you are saying there is a chance. now that door has just been slammed. so there you go. he said, i'll see you at the movies, which is he'll see us at his current project. ahead in our next half hour, we will sit down with kevin's costar.

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sam worthington will be here. after this big collaboration, overnight, the guys finally releasing the video for "pour me a drink." ♪ i've been breaking my back ♪ keeping up with the jones ♪ you all know how it goes ♪ up on a on a friday night ♪ ♪ going my way ♪ ♪ i can't even think when i can hear them calling my name ♪ ♪ hey, somebody pour me a drink ♪ >> there you go. i can relate to that one. by the way, there is a video for that. it is actually out today. "saturday night live," quickly, if we have time, yes, we do, season 49 wrapped up.

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take a look back at all the sketches, the ten most watched. ryan gosling, by the way, in 3 of the 10, including this one that took number one. >> i would really like to move on and discuss ai, so would you like him to move? >> yes, thank you. the man with the gray shirt and exposed gums. >> sir? >> that was so good. the most watched sketch. heidi gardener still trying to recover from breaking in that. >> when they can't hold it together, it is the best. >> lauren michaels didn't like them to do that, but they put it together. >> all right. it is a great friday "popstart," sir, thank you. straight ahead, the tradition continues here, the new york yankees on the plaza. we will talk to them about putting a new spin on an important team tradition for this year's hope week. this is the 15th year they celebrated hope week. but, first, your local news and messages.

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oh, welcome back. welcome back. 8:30.

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and look at the sheer size of our fri-yeah morning crowd. man!crowd. happy birthday. >> wow! >> if hoda starts dancing, you are thank the music we're hearing from lainey wilson. everybody will be dancing come next tuesday. >> how many friends have asked you about lainey wilson tickets? >> gosh, everybody. even my enemies. meantime, let's show you who is largely responsible for this morning's incredibly big crowd. we've got new york yankees on the plaza. [ applause ] >> their inspiring hope week and we will shine a light on the good it does in just a moment. also ahead, we will sit down with sam worthington to talk about the star-studded cast of "horizon". >> this morning dylan dreyer is live across the pond at the annual royal ascot.

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>> reporter: i also love to wear a hat, too. what better place than the royal ascot. this is the highlight of the british social calendar. it dates back to 1711. every day starts off with the royal procession. so far this week in that procession, we have seen the king and queen. on wednesday, prince william was here. and that procession starts exactly at 9:00 a.m., just in time for the 3rd hour of "today." we hear the king and queen will be in attendance again today. we will have so much more coming up on the 3rd hour. in the meantime, i have 20 pounds burning a hole in my pocket. i will see you guys real soon. >> all right, d. we'll check in with you in a few minutes.

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she will join us for the 3rd hour of "today" as well. mr. roker? >> look at this huge crowd. does this sign make me look pregnant? i don't know if it's the sign. is this your first? >> it is our first, yes. >> are you announcing this here? >> yes. seven months pregnant with a baby boy. this is my husband, grandmother and grandmother. >> there you go. it is a full house. congratulations. when you have the baby, you will bring them back or him back? let's show you what we have going on as far as your weather is concerned. we are looking starting off the women's lpga. a morning shower on sunday. other than that, looking pretty good. your weekend outlook for tomorrow, severe storms, great lakes, a lot of heat out west. and then sunday, sunday, more record highs in the east. plenty of sunshine. western two-thirds of the country. a few showers down through the gulf. that's what's going on through

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good friday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's going to be a little bit warmer for today the inland valleys. and we're going to see highs up to the low 90s in santa rosa, livermore and concord. and we're going to be even hotter tomorrow. but that's the peak of the heat. we see it for one full day and then we start to see the temperatures backing off on sunday. early next week, we'll see highs in the upper 80s, which is just slightly warmer than normal for this time that's your latest weather. we got everybody here. this is a big group. look out! here we go. oh, hang on. oh, that's some beautiful people there. oh, my gosh. oh, my goodness. hey, how are you?

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is this double digits. look, we've got yankees over here. whoo! and over here. and there was a -- we saw a beautiful -- where is that baby? i just saw there was a real cutie. oh, they left. there you go. anyway, that's around the horn, boys and girls. >> well done, sir. still got it after all these years. up next, the tradition we just love to continue here, helping the yankees shine a light on hope week. and people in groups are doing some amazing things in their community right here in new york. look at this, we've got some yankees on the plaza. there they are. they will tell us all about it. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.

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we are back on the plaza, and we are celebrating a very special time here in new york. it's called hope week. it is when the yankees honor

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amazing groups in the community. >> that's right. the 15th year they're doing it. the yankees actually have a theme for this year. craig, you have a chance to go to the stadium. >> yesterday, spent a few hours at yankee stadium. this year they're focussing on social media. we know the internet can be used to say things that are down right cruel. so the yankees decided to shine a light on people or organizations to do something good. the new york yankees, a team known for its winning ways, are beloved by their many hometown fans. but the bronx bombers have plenty of critics, too. some of them taking aim at the team and its players online. so the yankees decided to flip the script and lift up those actually using social media to do good and help others. >> the acts of kindness that change lives, but then thousands and millions of people get to see those acts of kindness and hopefully it is something that

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continues to spread. >> this week the yankees paying tribute to a one-time trash collector who graduated from harvard law school and created the reciprocity effect, that honors support staff in corporations. >> it is an awesome cause. just to get more inspiring year after year and continue to be in the community. >> the team celebrating two minor league athletic trainers after one donated a kidney to the other and used a gofundme donation page to pay for the minor league athletic trainers after one donated a kidney to medical expenses. the yankees also recognizing experience camps, a no cost program designed to support children grieving the loss of a loved one, sometimes connecting through social media. the final honoree had a big impact on the team. his name is zachary, but he's

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known as the motivator. he started posting videos during the pandemic showing him offering hugs and support to strangers. >> can i give you a hug? >> oh, love you. >> love you, too. >> then he started surprising strangers who offered to help him with life changing gifts supplied by donations and corporate sponsors. >> oh, no. it's a car? no. >> it's a car for you. >> the yankees teamed up to surprise this 9-year-old from new jersey who lost his older brother zach in a traffic accident last july. the two brothers shared a deep passion for the yankees. >> plus playing catch with the players. >> jacob got to play catch with some of the bronx bombers near his home. >> he didn't know what was going on. when he came out of that suv and

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he saw us and he saw all four of us out there, he was jumping. it was cool to see that. >> to see the smile on jacob's face, it was incredible, man. >> treat people with kindness because every single person is going through something. the super power isn't the $1,000. it is the small act of kindness we can all make, and everyone can do that. >> this act of kindness ended with jacob throwing out the first pitch at the yankee game last night. do you think there is a lesson in this for everyone? >> yeah, yeah. because i'm truly thankful for this opportunity that they're giving us to do this. >> that's a special kid. that's a special kid. >> awesome. that's amazing. >> joining us now to talk more about hope week, several standout new york yankees, cy young award winner gerrit cole, anthony rizzo. good morning. let me start with you, man, because you were here last year. we had a similar conversation.

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this is the 15th year for hope week. you have been involved in a lot of those weeks. what does it mean to you to continue to do this year after year and what does it mean for the yankees organization? >> we only have so much time here on earth, so many weeks in a year. you know, to be able to use our platform to reach out, you know, the community, bring them in and -- and give back i think is such an inspiring feeling. >> yes. >> and, you know, it's really hard to put into words sometimes when you see magical moments like this. >> pretty incredible. anthony volpe, your second year with the yankees. by the way, you were raised right. i met your mother who is here, i met your grandmother who is here. they're super proud of you. what does it mean to be not only a part of the team but this group? >> it is incredible. i grew up in the area, grew up a huge yankee fan.

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you obviously look up to the team on the field. but being a kid, you see stuff like this. you see hope week. i came up through the organization. we always tried to be involved. i think that's what makes you a yankee. obviously, they're known for winning on the field. but there is so many great people, not just baseball players that have come up and played for the team. we're just trying to follow in their footsteps. >> that's great. you are used to bearing boos. you are a pro athletes. >> ouch. >> boos and cheers. when you are on the road, boos. how do you deal with it? >> i think you just got to live in the moment. it is all perspective in life. i think what you read on the internet could alter you in a good way or a bad way. it depends on how you decide to look at it. there is so much good and love spread through the internet, and there is also equally some hate. i think it is just taking the positive, surround yourself with

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your loved ones and knowing that you are good enough in life and no matter what you decide to do, just keep dreaming. >> great advice. we love hope week, guys. >> and we love our yankee fans there at the end. >> let's get some quick names. >> will. >> hope. >> young yankees fans. >> is your name hope, he said? >> yes. >> it's all working out just right. >> good luck in the season, guys. >> thanks for coming to see us.d sam coming up, the very talented sam worthington. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.

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hold on... this trip got me alaska gold 75k status?? looks like i leveled up somewhere between san francisco and new york. i knew you earned miles faster than other airlines but like...okay, this is next level. i wonder if they'll take my photo. and put it in every seatback. on every airplane. i really hope fame doesn't change me.

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♪ oh, welcome back. 8:45. with someone who is no stranger to epic films. sam rocketed to fame in "avatar," the highest grossing

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film of all time. now he's heading out west, playing an army lieutenant who meets the people of "horizon" in the wake of a brutal attack. >> that's what you found when you got here? >> yes, sir. >> and you wouldn't take that as some kind of sign? >> sure, we did. decided to build on this side of the river. >> how is that working out for you? >> oh, sam worthington, welcome. this is epic. this is sweeping. this is one of those films that comes around once in a lifetime. and it is a kevin costner production. >> yeah, yeah. >> what is it like when you got the call for this one? >> thanks for having us. when i grew up, kevin was huge. and i grew up in australia. a lot of these movies were to do with america. you had all the westerns, wyatt

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earp, baseball movies, jfk. >> all of them. >> so you kind of learn about american culture through his work. >> yeah. did you learn from him on the set? because to be directed by someone who you sort of so looked up to probably felt a little, i don't know, i would imagine intimidating. >> it is intimidating. he's very particular. he's very detailed. that's because he's had this idea for like 30 plus years. >> yeah. >> i think it was a lot like the voice in "field of dreams." he was saying, if you build it, they will come. i like working with guys that are passionate, and i like working with guys that do their own thing and forge their own trail. so i'm there to help him. >> by the way, your accent is on point. did it take a lot to get there? >> it always takes a lot. >> i love how you compared -- i was reading an article you wrote. you compared fame to surfing. you enjoy surfing. will you describe that? because i haven't heard it said

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that way. when you ride a wave, you are on top and the world is cheering for you. >> you can talk to many actors and they will tell you at some point they will be right on that crest. and then it will break. it does. colin farrell told me, it is up to you whether you get washed up on the shore or whether you want to paddle back out. when you paddle back out, find the wave of their choice. by then, there will be another guy and another wave on the top. but learn to surf your way and pick waves your way. >> that's such a great profession for any profession in your life. you have such a rich life. it involves your professional part that involves these great movies. it also involves being a dad. tell me how that has kind of transformed you as a human. >> well, now i'm more careful with the choices that i make because i don't want to spend any time away from them. they're growing up so quick. and there are three boys. we have one queen in my house, so we all have to try to behave. >> so now, i mean, i would imagine the boys are into

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sports. am i right? >> yeah. >> okay, they are. so you are from australia, and the kids are born here in the states. >> yeah, my kids are american. i wanted that rivalry. one was born in new york and two in l.a. now i'm australian and they're american, so there is more rivalry going on. >> how are we going to do that? >> we'll see. the tele will be up on the board and we'll see who wins. >> we understand there is a lot of australian. you have the flag and the rest. we want to make sure you are well equipped for usa gear. we might have that coming out somewhere. oh, yeah. >> oh, and you shall receive. >> we brought you some usa gear. that's for you to wear. >> usa! usa! >> that's great. >> but, yeah, we think that will work out great. >> that's awesome. >> that will be cool. you will be enjoying the olympics. tell me what -- thank you, craig.

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what am i doing here? so two of these are already shot, right? they're already ready to go. one is coming out soon and the other is in august. what about the rest? when are we going to see the rest of these films? >> i think kevin is having these self-funding projects. but they're all written. he knows where the saga is going, and that's good. >> by the way, after the fame from "avatar," how did you feel about fame? you don't strike me as a guy who bathes in it. >> that's how i look at it. this is my job. it is a very spectacular job. i get to go to the wild west, get to go to outer space. i remember my kids asked me what i did, and i said, i'm in movies. that's the best they got for me. they said, does that mean you give out the popcorn? so that was a great humbling, and that says it all. that's how i will look at it. >> by the way, your surfers analogy, i will remember that for a long time. when you are on top, you are

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going to be down. >> paddle back out. >> that was beautiful. by the way, you are such a delight. thank you for joining us. we really appreciate it. "horizon" hits theaters one week from today. chapter two set to arrive on august the 16th. we are back in a moment. but, first, this is "today" on nbc.

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♪ oh, you know what that music means. we're counting down to the paris olympics. opening ceremony just 35 short days away. >> 35. >> the u.s. olympic team trials of course well underway. a lot of action coming up. this weekend remind you swimming trials will be wrapping up. track and field kicking off with superstars looking to secure their spots.

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>> yes. >> there is a baby with a usa spirit. please show that. >> oh, they're back! they're back! they're back. >> look at that. >> no, it's a chicago cubs shirt. >> oh, my god. i'm dying. >> they're back. >> yeah, we got you covered from the pool to the track and beyond. the coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on nbc and streaming on peaco*ck. now, mr. roker, you have some birthdays to celebrate. >> we certainly do. let's look at the sweet faces. to joe. a lifelong traveler. loves to read and go to theater. first up, happy 101st birthday to joe fasciona. a lifelong traveler. loves to read and go to theater. sally reeder is 100. sally loved dressing her clients and herself in fabulous outfits. joe malloy is 100. the secret to his longevity, healthy breakfast including half a banana.

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happy 100th birthday to charlotte kaufman from the bronx, new york. she has visited every continent september antarctica. lucy loves watching tv, including the yankees and notre dame football and steve harvey. and happy 100th birthday to jeanette dillio from scranton, pa. she would rise horse back to visit patients living in remote areas. >> wow, that's cool. >> al, you missed one. there is one more birthday. >> tomorrow. >> yeah. we've got one birthday for mr. carson daley. >> hey, all right! >> happy birthday, carson. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> it's matt's birthday today, too. >> happy birthday, matt! >> happy birthday, pal. >> thank you, everybody. all right. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> love you. >> happy birthday, pal. it will be a fantastic

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weekend. good morning. 856 a marcus washington. well, we are following that breaking news out of the east bay. a man is injured after being shot by police officer in newark. it happened this morning at the chevron on jarvis avenue and newark boulevard. now, police say officers were called there for disturbance involving that man. and when they arrived, the man allegedly pointed a fake gun at them and they opened fire. that man is now in the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. happening now. our bob redell is at the scene gathering more information for us at midday. he'll have a live report also at midday. an update on the fbi search of oakland mayor xing tao's home. the mayor has still not made a public comment. head to our homepage right now where you'll have more on that

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♪♪ this morning on the 3rd hour of "today," celebrating the life and legacy of

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.