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- Publication:
- Fort Wayne Daily Newsi
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- Fort Wayne, Indiana
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- 7
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XHUAyFEBflUARy 13 ffiimMxhffiMi8 i 11 fWW mm BMv SIS wi v- hry ik fflsas fev iWv Lie Lv Mr ii rW JPrv lifijf ii ti is ft Mauve a i tofTa ftV Eh Wf JSJ Iii fe Mfe 21 AViivniHiK VIGOR Hair falling put Troubled with dandruff Want more hair An ekgaBtfrtla ingremenis CM8taMB StfC amioI Water Perfume We believe doctors endows this1 formula 6r we would not put Unp Docs iiQi C0or th Hair ft AitW tVmwirf Twll 1 2 hi IW- iwifc Kf ft fy iV li iUiVliViV iiii 1 ii iiy Jlrrrr 1 1 1 1 iii fi 1 li THROUOH SERVICE TRAIN FROM PITTSBURG TO THE PACIFIC COAST of Ri Twelfth Annual Ball on i Washingtons Birthday Shop and Rail Notes PlTTSDUrtCI Pa fej 18 Through passenger service rott Pittsburg and Buffalo to the Pacific coast tobe Inr stalled by the Gould lines as soon as the Vestern Pacific extension to the coast Is completed High officials of the Gould system have held preliminary meetlnjs to discuss this feature ipf their service and work has been started on the proposed schedule Rapid progress is being made on the Western Pacific and the new road will ba ready for service this year part of the line having been placed in Operation some months ago Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain of hcialsTjwere the first to suggest the plan for through passenger service from Pittsburg and tf jnended this scheme to George Dould and BT Jeffrey It1 proposed to run trains from St Louis to 8ah Francisco by way of the Mis sourt Paclflc Denver Rio Grande and the Western Pacific and the new route will behy way of Pueblo lnr stead of Denver sba8 to get a short line Officials having charge of drawing up the new schedule feel confident tbfi the proposition will meet with approval In whiclt event it will be the first time In the history of transportation that the railroads have endeavored to install such service As soon as th passenger officials complete their schedule a Joint conference VUl be held with operating heads of the Wabaah PittiburJ Terminal Wheeling Lake Erie Vabasb railroad Mia sOuri Paclfic Denver R16 Grande and the Western Pacific arid arrangements win he made fp Install the tew service Immediately In the meantime maintenance and engineering officials are doing every thing poaelblo to place the tracks of the Vabash Pittsburg Terminal and the Wheeling Lake Erie In the best possible shape so faster passenger service can be Installed between Pittsburg and Toledo With the through service to San Francisco Gould representatives belieye that they will be In a position to command much larger portion of the Pacific coast business originating tn PittsburgPittsburg TWELFTH ANNUAL BALt ibFHEOFR Airrfbrmer events bFti like mature igiVeh by Fort Wayne lodge Nov 156 of th i Brotherhood1 bt Hallway Traiui jmen wlli be outdone on the occasion oftho weUthanhual ballto bojgiyen bythat brganlzatloh on Monday evehJ ln Feb 22nd at the Mulqueen Duic In academy In the hew Mlnuetbulld Ins The Sit hundred merabersbtthe odgehaVebeencbnstitqte4Vlaroceii i tioi committee and will spare no effort to i make the occasion as eh jayable as possible for everyone present The other eommittees are as fol Arrangement CommltteeGItBur baga chairman jvW Ji Torrance rice chalrmanr 0 Obenchairi Per jtuson Mi MoylanUSlB1McNally CR Aubrey Grlmme Shou lln 2VAi Pio Deyln jton Oflllowfty Floor Commltteer 6 Pf Obenchaln chairman A Miller Tom Mocr A Glmm George Bahkson Preble It A Fink Koffllnj Thiebold Miller Wr Clements JMahohey Mi Logan Fi OLeary Obenchaln 0 Fv FisseL Lbgn Karhs NEW TERMINALS FOR FORT WAYNE Larger terminals including ney round houses and other buildings in connection with the Immense yard at Conway are to be provided for the Fort Wayne system of the Pennsylvania lines Plans for this work were prepared last yeair and the improve jnents were to bate been made in lj08 but construction was held on account of the retrenchment policy adopted when the depression set in There Is a growing demand for the Improved terminal buildings for ino live power and It Is expected tnatth work wjll be started as soon as weather will permit Estimates prepared by engineers In charge of this work show that the improvements at Freedom and other points along the Fort Wayne near the Conway yards will cost more than 500000 Additional tracks are to be laid In the Conway yards later but AN UNSURPASSED REMEDY Rl Curt UO iniuiBMieJ tf nlr lot tougU tolik branchila luni pKiau II dice la th ml oi ihi twUm4 ralomUukr ffllia Mr tut lirt cMw Pm I Cn Willi pcwIMM nmwiuTt nom tnj Inadoa iraai opiittt FMWWlMeurrj AttUdrumu X3CU the officials aytWre nof Jdangsr of c6ngesti0rt THE PEOPLES STORE wmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmamamimm Speciais for this Week I 1 NcsJS Light From Local Hj ment attend tidlur stop cpetitiye CoinmerxialLiitingMetm condi tions Ttiereinay be pointers in it for our present pidancei liocal liistbryniakes iisefiil reariing sometimes Neithelrisdbm nor tPdrt aynehjlssixed up man leM and still will stee when vealso shall haveljbinedTeiterdays seven thousand ears Lettis go back a quarter of a century in the lighting matted JusVtwentyfive years agojn the January 27th issue pi the Fort Itfayne Sentinelwe flndthis quotation from Charles IVMuhler a future Mayof of the City 1 President Muhler of the Fort Wayne Jenney Electric Light Company is quite ankious to light this City by electricity Mr Muhler says it will bethe best lighted Cityin the we Fdrilyayne at that time was a pomparatiyely small city its population ap proaching the 3000 figure Tor a city less than half as large as the present Fort Wayne 400 lights would have made us in those days a marked City Twenty five years have gone we finally have our 400 lights and not a score more our City has meanwhile more than doubled in population and today as we have shown by the actual figures Fort Wayne is THE WORST LIGHTED City in Indiana In the street lighting race we are recorded with the also ran In fact wehaye moved so slowly that cities racing by have mistaken us for the grand stand On February 3 1884 we find also in the Sentinel this discpuraging paragraph West Bay City Mich wants the Jenney electric light Every place but Fort Wayne wants ian electric light1 Fropa which we infer that Fort Wayneofthatday hesitated to move from darkness into light After twenty ifive years and under different conditions we find Fort Wayne anxiousfortheBetteLig for ill Does this spell Progress or Retrogression in self government Do the People rule or do they merely bleed Twenty flve years ago the 11th of this month the Sentinel made note that The gas lamps in Fort Wayne are lighted by Philadelphia schedule This leavestfe CityattHeimercy of the i moon about 100 nights in the i year It is hoped thelcouncilM nexTuesday evening have itapply to every night injkheyear Well the twenty fiveyears have galloped by a new generation is in the saddlend tliis codfish has sup planted gai as asubstitul fbrTmponshm Now fellow taxpayers mile stones on the path of City progress mark Have they no WARNING for mJot even a call to Wake up In a quarterbf a centuryFoft Wsne under the guidanceof successive City Governments has managed to move so slowlyj in street Ughtihg that all rival cities lia dutstrippd it while sbarcel a oif them retain biir still vpreserved codfishMul5me geneMibgresic4 Viat is the feiplanation of ihis What at the botlom of our City troubles in the lighting fields I perhaps furtherWstorybU records Ml explain the riddle 1 Let us Bee Read our nextTalksi wayne mABASH wmm TRITON COMlANY iCEXRVESt FAILED TO MATERIALIZE There has not been 1 cake of Ice but lip by either the Pehnsylvahlabr the Grand Rapids 6 Indiana rauroaai on the local dlTisions this winter whereas usually the Ice houses are full by thU time The above roads harvest their Ice hear Nottawayi jnd on the It ft1 horthiof thls city and although the lakes have rbeen frozen over on numerous occasions this winter the covering haa not been of sufficient thickness for cutting As the cold snaps usually come during January and the first few Weeks la February tho Ice dealers and railroads who depend oh the northern Indiana lakes for their supply are beginning to show no ilttle concprn as It now begins to look as though there will be no harvest this seasonv NOT US1NQ 8TEEL CARS PlTTSHUROr Pb i8 Pennslva hia railroad oiDclajs stated yesterday that the reports toent out regarding the use of steel cars in the eighteen hour special which figured In the accident east of Altoona early Monday morning are misleading Reports sent out from Altoona tate that modern all steel passenger Cars were used In the eighteenhour train The officials saytheyhave nOt been experimenting wth jillsteel equipment In Wa twofast express trains between New Yotk and Chicago and that no arrangements have been made to use this class of equipment for fast traffic It was Intimated yester dar however thit thC hew steel cars will be used lqt thft eighteenhour trains some time thls year LINES IN BjJTEfJ SHAPE Order la beginnirig tq come out of the chaos existing In the telegraph ser vice ot the NickelPlat and Penhsyl vania railroads which was caused by the recent severe sleet storm and the latter road has succeeded ln establish ing communication over approximately the entire local division The Nickel Plate lsalsa In better shape and lias established a eood Una of communi cation However the present arrange iucuui Bieuij ieuiyurar jnj i will be a matter of Bevtrhpweeks1 before the service la again placed lahormal condition An interesting list of special items on sale ALL THIS WEEK at bargain prices Jlierea it snyinfi of pne fburtK to onehalfon very jtemmehtloned belowt OBSERVE THE HOLIDAY The following bulletin has been la sued from the Pennsylvania offices Monday Feb 22nd Washingtons birthday will be observed as a full Holiday Shops will be closed maintenance of way work discontinued except emergency worlcMocal freight trains annulled and freight stations closed after recelpttOf live stock and perishable goods SMITH IN TOWN Smith master mechanic of the southwest system ot the Pennsylvania with headquarters In Columbus is in the city accompanied by the assistant master mechanic and ma chine shop foreman of the Columbus shops Mr Smith was formerly assistant master mechanic ot the Pennsylvania when Atterbury was superintendent of motive power SHOP ANP RAIL NOTES Jlesdames Ella Foster lieltle Jlad dox and Mary Carpenter compose a committee In charge of the arrange mentsjor the third of a series of pedro WRONG BREAKFAST Change Gave Rugged Health Many persons think that for strength they must begin the day with a hreakf ast ot met and other heavy foods This Is a mistake as anyone can easily discover for himself A Va carpenters experience may benefit others Hejfritesc I used to he vy htavy breakfast eater but finally Indlgestton caused me such distress Ibecameiafraid to cat anything ij My wife suggbsted a trial of Grape Nuts and as I had to eat something of starve I conclujad to itake her advice She fixed mejjp a dish and I remarked at the Um that the quality wasall Tight but tbt quafitlty was too small 1 wanted a ucerflil ButshesaldajmalL quantity of Grape Nuts went a Jong way and that I must eat according to directions SO I started In with Grape Nuts and cream 2 soft boiled eggs and some crisp toast for breakfast I cut out meats and a lot of other stuff 1 had been used to eating all ray life and was gratified to see that I was getting better right along I concluded I had struck the right thing and stuck to It had not ohlybeen eating improper food but too much I was working at the Carpenters trade at that Urns and thought that unless I had a hearty breakfast with plenty of meat I would play out belora dinner But after a few days of my new breakfast I found conld do mora work felt better In every way and now I am not bothered with indigestion Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read The Roifl to WeHvllle la plHNr TheMl Raa Ever reid the above NttirT A niw on nars rim tMi tt time They artHn full fhmrt Interwrt 00larhoAppliq Yal 5Scl1 rom on ttTthrSeTiucJieii yidejYalucafrpm aPriceu22C Yflrd A lot CpttPn Torchon Latcs rpiiv two to four inches wide 10c values Ka Sale Price Wv Linen Machine Torchon Laccsy front one to three inches wide iOc values Varrf Sale Price VV I dill 50 pieces Cottpn Suitings in fancy cliedc and plaid effects dark styles regular 19c Prica 10c Yard i him 11ir jiwijtiis iIiIiiiihii mi 50 pieces Flannelette Waistings good desirable shades for jibuso dresses etc IScgoods 1 VoVH Sale Price O3C 10111 2 cases Fancy Zephyr Ginghams nearly a yard wide very desirable and seasonable colors regular lc gP Sale Price 5C Yard 28 dozen Wool Flannel Skirt Pat ferns plain and fancy dark colors regular price 139 fA Sale Price 500 Roman Stripe Tapestry Pillow Tops jialwaysseli for 234Sa8wcei9c Each JdiiadpnibKJGry Scarfs lby planches regular values Sale Price 1 11 iv 50 462cn Slpw EihbrpH Gioths 3Cliiiciies square regular 1 volMi9cih Ladies Tailored Waists in SheplicrSf Plaidg white anci black elf ects and bliio and white polka dots 75c Tauiepripe5pc Each Curtain Stretchers 7 feet wide 12 i i 1 1 1 i i icet ipng yviui pins atiacneg reg ular mice 125 oaie rice Kope Portieie single Valance in a gootl selection of colors 150 values Qfi Sale Price Ladies Outing Gowns extra heavy fleece in neat pink or blue stripe effects regular price 125 Qfi Sale Price vMU 1 1 1 ii 1 1 in 7 i Extra heavy Fleece Blaiilcets large pize in tan or gray Sale 1 Price Yery linp jElcece Blanket lull size urn gray omy oyc values Sale Prices i FINAL CLEAN UP OF ALL WINTER COATS We have aiew of this seasons long winter coats on hand all gOQdfittcd anid serai fittedi styles mostly black which wo wish to clpse out before Pur Spring stock arrives Therefore we havecut their prices right in two and you pan take your pick of the entire lot At K2 Less Than Regular Prices HHMBHBHHHHHBIOHHIkhVHHHHHklBHHHbHhVb THE PEOPLES STORE parties to be given by Loyal lodge No 85 Ladies Auxiliary tb the Brotherhood of Railway Tralnhien la their hall at 1028 Calhoun street tonight Walter Johnson a foreman In the Pennsylvania shops Is spending a several days In the east On company business Van Horn a painter at the Pennsylvania round house ha obtained several days leave of absence which ho will spend In Chicago A iforrell foreman of the driving box gang In the Pennsylvania shops has resumed his position after an absence of several days oh account of Illness Martin of the Canadian Pacific George McCarron of the Louis vllle Chattanooga St Louis and II Ryan 6ftbO Louisville Nashville were visitors on rsllroad row today The Edmunds Electric company Is changing the power of the Boss Mitten company plant at Blufftoa from steam to etertficity the work now bft ing la progress The local company has a similar coontract with a Arm at Payne The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America meet this evening In Carpenters hall The Bter Bottlers meet In Stfodels hall the Journeymen Horsesho*rs in Saenger hall and the Patternmakers la Vorder markahall The boiler shop of the Kerr Mu ray Manufacturing company will be shut down for two weks pending repair to the boiler which are now In progress The other departments of the company are working on an eight hour Bchedule Ralph Van Dyke traveling passenger agent of the Denver ft Rio Grande railroad was In the city today Also CV nill who holds the same position with the Wisconsin Central was In the city Both make their headquarters In Chicagb MrvandMrs 6 King the form er a machinist at the Pennsylvania round house and son Charted wilj leaye tomorrow tot Louisville Ky wherftiey wll visit relative jwho leaves shortly for aa extended trip In the March for health i eter Coling a former employe of ttrPeMirlwniririhinityJihdlhQw located In Pittsburg where he Is a Reclal police Ihspectot at the onion staUoo has returned to that city after ikw day Wt In JTortiTfayne Mri Coling brought a prisoner to this city George Schramm who conducts a butcher shop on Crelghton avenue who Is a son of Frank Schramm machinist employed at the Pennsylvania round house will leare shortly for Bah Francisco where he will thake an extended stay for the benefit of his health Fireman Gary Richtenwaid and Brakeman Hamm of the Baltl toore ft Ohio residing at Garrett were Injured in a peculiar manner while out on their run Wednesday They were passing a telegraph pole which had been partially burned at the base and the jar of the train caused it to fall It struck the engine cab and almost demolished It Neither man was seriously hurt Elghi Nlckel Plalei6ieswent down between Main street and the depot yesterday afternoon The chief lineman of the division was here from Port Wayne yesterdayr and stated that he started out of Fort Wayne Sunday to look for trouble an after count Ing 526 poles down almost In succession decided that he had found too much to hope to do anything with the force at band and returned to Fort Wayne Fostoria Review Childrens Knee Pant Suits Ages 9 to IT years Plain Pants HALF PRICE 200 Suits go at 160 1260 Suits go at jl25 300 Suits go at 150 100 Suits go at200 500 Suits go at 1250 i 600 Suits go at 300 1 800 Suits go at 400 1000 Suits go at 500 1100 Suits go at 600 All plain blue and black plain pant suits and all Knickerbocker suits will be discounted 25 per cent During our great half price sale PATTERSON FLETCHER CO iiri St decUia Chorus tonight WaneJlub Aditiission 50 centsr 4v THE MAGAZINUS Mrs Wharton who is now abroad has hit upon a hew Idea for I series of short stories which she calls Tales of Men In these stories no women appear although their Influence is often dominant Thelrst of them entlfc led The Bolted Door will appear In the March Issue of Scribners Maga tine It will surprise Mfa Whartons friends by Its entire hovejtjf In aubject and treatment The heroine of Thomas Nlsbn Pages storft John Marvel Assist Int will appear la the March Scrlb ner In a most attractive guise revealing her to be one of Mr Pagea mbst lovable character This storjf shows Mr Page to be an author sof wide knowledge of modern social conditions It Is not a story of any section but represents American life today In North and South Try News Want Ads mWM ktim iiifciliYfliifflii HJUiiftfli 4 JM Vv irV im r3007heavy Wool CapsJ tor men and hoyl regular price 50c 75c and 100 wUl be soldat i5c During oar great hlf prio6 sale ATTBR80N FLBTCHffit CO Dont Delay But Gome This Waf I advance money In amount from 1500 on salary If you are employed bjr any reliable railroad Arm or corporation and need a little moneyitwlU Pay you to eitabllih your credit with us LOWEST IIATE3 and 11K3T PLAK3 In the clly I ConfrMtial 1104 Caihouri 8t Rom 1 Abbve Dshme MITIItitry JHoffif PhonSWv i ii k51 wfl 1 ira 11 4 a Vi LT7rf.
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- Years Available:
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